Weekend Inspiration: Jenny Brown

"Lace of The Forest" ink and found collage on paper

"Lace of The Forest" ink and found collage on paper

"Sea Pomegranate" ink and found collage on paper

"Sea Pomegranate" ink and found collage on paper

"Treasure of the Stars and The Sea" ink and found collage on paper

"Treasure of the Stars and The Sea" ink and found collage on paper

How crazy delicate, sparkly and intriguing are these "creatures" and their worlds?  I am always mesmerized by the beautiful work of Jenny Brown.  She is yet another talented artist in my make believe studio building.  The closest I come to this make believe space is in my Instagram feed, but a girl can dream.  I am dying to see one of these beauties up close and personal.

1. I just love the worlds you create and how you describe them. What is your process like?

I have such a fear of nature (especially the ocean), I'm really am a city person through and through. So when I am out in nature, I'm both scared and in awe. Flowers are so complex, that to me, that to me there is no way they can't be full of magic in some way. A squid is so elegant and intricate,  that I feel like it could only be an extension of the flowers and trees above. So why not try and share those inspirations by creating a world to reflect those ideas? This is how I personally understand the natural world.

2.Who/what is inspiring you right now?

I keep going back to the botanical works and curiosity collectables of artist Mary Delany, who lived and worked in the 1700s. Her work was so delicate and thoughtful! I'm also insanely inspired by the show Cosmos (both the old and new versions) right now.

3. What studio tool can you not live without?

My antique book collection, vintage postcards, and white and red pen & ink! 


Thank you so much Jenny for sharing your beauty!  Check out her Instagram feed here and you to can join me in my imaginary group studio space.