Endings and Beginnings

"Safely Contained" (working title) 18x18" encaustic on birch panel

"Safely Contained" (working title) 18x18" encaustic on birch panel

This was the last completed painting of 2015.  In all honesty I've been so busy at the end of this year and with a show that opens January 14th it feels as if my life is just flowing continuously from one year to the next.  Typically I feel like things are completed and new projects begin as one year ends and a new one starts.  I am not feeling that marked delineation this year.  I've had to force myself to take a breath and reflect and honestly I'm not ready to set new goals and take inventory.  I still feel very much in the middle of something, or many things. 

I am happy with the direction(s) my work is taking.  I am just at the beginning of a few series and I am excited to see where they go and what they become.  I am challenged with how to give each of the series I am involved with a focus.  I guess if there is really any new year changes I am contemplating it's how to schedule my week more effectively.  As a creative person I struggle with this, I like to be able to be spontaneous and go with what I am feeling drawn towards at the moment.  I am going to give it a go though and see how effective it may be. 

So, here I go quietly into 2016 and I'm okay with that.

Happy New Year!!

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