Still Collection: "Intention" 8x10" encaustic on panel

Still Collection: "Intention" 8x10" encaustic on panel

"The hallmark of a decision in line with one's inner development is the feeling of having laid down a burden and picked up a more natural responsibility" - Ann Truitt, The Day Book

I have returned to this book so many times since reading it over 20 years ago.  At each stage of my life these words resonate with me, as I age I come to them with more understanding.

So many amazing things have been coming to me and each of these opportunities feel so genuine to me - genuine to who I am.  At once I feel right where I am supposed to be and surprised to be there.  This position I find myself in now is challenging how I structure my life.  To know that these deliciously exciting demands and opportunities are her and I will tackle them, embrace them, devour them joyously but I do not have to do them all right now.  They are patient and will be there as I savor them each in time, even if my excitable heart wants the instant gratification.  I need to remind myself in the satisfaction that comes in setting the pace and approaching things with intention.  I can build space in my life to run congruent so that neither well runs dry.