
So in the spirit of keepin' it real..... I did this Skype interview.  Just kidding.  I was so tickled that Alexis asked Marissa and I to be a part of this awesome interview series!  As you know finding time to co-ordinate time to chat is hard.  Just asked Marissa at how horrible I am at it. 

So I managed to find some time on a day I thought my son was late at school.  Turns out he wasn't.  I initially thought it was going to be a written interview.  It wasn't.  I rushed from the gym, to school pick up and then jumped on this Skype interview.  So I am not looking my best.  Once you get passed my appearence I hope you can enjoy.  It was so lovely to talk to Alexis and she herself is a fabulous painter.  You can find her work here.  Then you must check out her awesome project that talks about the art business, and you can view a lot of other amazing interviews too! Find all that goodness

Here is the link to the video if it doesn't appear.

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