19 for 2019 Re-cap


2019 was a big year in many ways for me. Before I share my 20 for 2020 list I felt like I had to review 2019


Hell yeah!!! It’s done and out of my hands in the printing process at the publishers. The release date is April 28, 2020, and this is by far one of my biggest accomplishments.

2. Back up and great rid of my old desktop.✔️

DONE! I am so happy to have this finished. Not only is my desk less cluttered, but all my iTunes library is also now accessible.

3. Art Inventory

I didn’t get to this, so it has been added to my 2020 list

4. Set up processes

I can’t quite mark this off. I started with some small changes, I am taking a Creative Live class pertaining to this. Let’s hope I can make it happen as I go this year.

5. Social media overwhelm

This, like a few things on my list, required a change in mindset. Recently I’ve just decided to make it fun, and am feeling better about it. It also helped that Marissa and are having so much fun with our @carveouttimeforart account.

6. Consolidate Addresses

Yep! This was an easy first one to mark off, so I completed this the first week of January and it really did spark some momentum.

7. Pay off debt

8. Build Savings

As you may have already guessed, its really tough to do these simultaneously. So I was more successful in paying down debt, no so much in savings. This year I’ve got a clearer path.


9. Have a solo show

I have to admit, I am glad this didn’t happen. While participating in 3 group shows, and having all my work in the salon seems to fits better in this year’s plan. The current body of work I am creating will be much more suited to a solo show.

10. Replace our mattress

Nope. I didn’t really make this a priority

11. More family time


I have continued to enjoy our reading bedtime routine, and our movie nights each week, I’ve tried to focus time on Sunday for all of us to do something. On one of our outings, my daughter learned to ride her bike!! Jack and I have had some dinner dates, and throw the football around. I hope to continue focusing on this.

12. Make grocery shopping meal/planning less painful.

I feel pretty good about this. The combination of a late-game purchase of an Instapot and changing my mindset about the whole process I am feeling pretty good.

13. Integrate Meditation

I am doing pretty well with this, and hope I can continue.

14. Wild Card Day

This has been 50/50. In January my son was home sick on my massage day. My mom came to the rescue, but I only had that 90 mins away. In February we had a snow closure, so my mom came to my rescue again, but it was not a restful day. In March I had an accidental one when I wasn’t feeling 100% and watched tv most of the school day. I am hoping to up my game in the coming months. All in all, I think I probably did some version of this every other month. Whether girls weekend, a lunch date or a massage.

15. Figure out SEO

I took a free online workshop in January and found I was making it more complicated than it needed to be. I have a grasp of it now but have not applied it to my website. I’m about halfway through updating my website.

16, See Carrie


So sad that I couldn’t make this happen.

17. Run my 4th Marathon

YAAASSS. I ran the Baltimore Marathon with my family and friends cheering me on. I enjoyed the training more than I thought I would. I am already missing my long runs.

18, Date Nights

I have failed at this for the first two months! We did get out once in March and I am hoping to get some more on the calendar. We got much better at this the last half of the year, and I’m looking forward to continuing it.

19. Get my Passport ✔️

Done and done. I cannot tell you how good that feels. It’s been way too long and one of those things that hung over me as uncompleted. Not anymore!

20. Work on training with Luna.

Not consistently - and I am bummed about this.

While I didn’t hit all my intentions this list makes me happy still. If I were to beat myself up over what I didn’t accomplish, vs celebrating what I did I think I would be missing the point. So onward and upward. Stay tuned for my 20 for 2020 list!

Heather Gerkin2 Comments